Are You Afraid of What Lingers in the Dark?

Virus or microbials
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Are you Afraid of What Lingers In the Dark?

EasyDECON can protect you!


Let’s face it we hate the dark – not because it is dark but rather because one of our most used senses, sight, is not at its best in the dark. Color disappears or is muted. Depth of vision is restricted because our ability to gather light from the surrounding area is diminished making it possible for someone or something to hide. We are afraid of bacteria and viruses because they exist for all intents and purposes, in the dark. They are too small for us to see and feel. Sometimes we can smell their effect but only because of the reaction of the organic matter being destroyed. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, the philosopher in the late 18th century, thought he was a “superman” until he was brought to his knees by a lowly bacterium, showing that sometimes the unseen presents a dire threat.


Since viruses linger in the dark and cannot be seen we often sacrifice efficacy on the altar of efficiency. To be efficient with our time we look for what is the quickest, cheapest, and easiest disinfectant to use?  With our constant lack of time some people look for ways to only clean occasionally or infrequently missing out on the efficacy (effectiveness) of disinfecting.


Disinfection (or decontamination) is an ongoing process subject to the movement of people through space, and what those people leave behind.  Infrequent or improper cleaning is one of the causes of hospital-acquired infections like MRSA, VRE etc. Complete cleaning and disinfection are critical for properly functioning healthcare systems, school districts, sports venues, airplanes, and any public or commercial space where people congregate.


 EPA N List for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Professionals and industry leaders use a military grade decontamination formula, EasyDECON® DF200, found on the EPA List N. This powerful disinfectant has been tested and proven effective at killing or neutralizing more than 30 other pathogens in addition to SARS-2 that lingers in the dark.  When using EasyDECON® everyday for a thorough deep clean, you will get rid the COVID-19 while killing odors and any mold or mildew hidden in dark corners that may get missed in your everyday cleaning process.


 EasyDECON® DF200 is the only DF200 formula on the market that has undergone more than a decade of government testing directed at validating that its component blends are to specifications, and that product performance is consistently reliable.


Click here to view a list of some of the pathogens against which EasyDECON® has been tested using either with live agent or an appropriate surrogate to determine its effectiveness.


Don’t be afraid of what lingers in the dark.  Reopen safely by using a military-grade disinfectant that will not only help with the COVID19 pandemic but will also take care of over 30 other pathogens you may have missed or did not “see in the dark.”