How Facilities Can Stay Open During the Next COVID-19 Wave

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As we head into fall, many facilities and small businesses are looking for a return to normalcy. However, resuming operations during the COVID-19 pandemic may seem like a daunting task —especially with the new Delta variant on the rise. There’s a lot for organizations to consider as they remain open and aim to stay that way. 

The good news is that businesses don’t have to go it alone. The following are some tips and things to keep in mind as we continue to navigate the ever-changing COVID-19 pandemic.  

Take Time to Rethink, Reset, and Restart


When it comes to COVID-19, the first thing facilities and businesses need to do is rethink their cleaning protocols. Knowing the differences between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting is a good start. What we knew last year about COVID is not what we know today. Keep a close eye on emerging news and responses from the CDC, especially as it relates to your industry. 

Rethink exposures and consider the likelihood of an infected person entering your facility or business. The 14-day incubation period of COVID can allow people to spread the virus for up to two weeks and the new Delta variant adds yet another hurdle as it’s more than twice as contagious as previous variants. How can you get ahead of this? Preventative steps are crucial to stop the spread of illness.      


When it comes to disinfectants, you can just spray, wipe and go, right? Not exactly. Nearly all disinfectant products must stay wet on a surface for a certain amount of time in order to complete their job. This is what’s known as the “contact”, “kill”, or “dwell” time and the importance of it may surprise you. 

When you just wipe and go, the germs are being spread around, not killed. This encourages dangerous pathogen and bacterial growth. Not only that, popular household disinfectants like Lysol and bleach require pre-cleaning and several minutes of “contact-time”. Half the time, these products evaporate before disinfection happens, which then requires reapplication. Who wants to waste time, products, and money?  

Take a deep breath and reset

Luckily, more effective disinfectants exist, like EasyDECON. This surfactant/peroxide-based solution is 99.99999% effective, making it the strongest disinfectant on the planet while being inherently biodegradable. This multipurpose solution cleans, sanitizes, and disinfects with a single application.   


It’s time to regroup and restart. 

Businesses should regularly sanitize their facility to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Proper tools and disinfectant solutions are the first steps to staying open and operational. With a price point of around two cents per square foot, EasyDECON offers the best option (when used with a sprayer or fogger).  These application methods allow you to reach crevices, cracks, and other hard-to-reach areas with one fast and effective application. That means less labor and higher efficiency. It’s a win-win.

Start Planning Today

Don’t take chances with your employee’s and customer’s health. To learn how to properly prepare and protect your facilities – contact one of our experts today.      

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